The original LED snowflake on the Atmel microcontroller. A great gift for a child at Christmas, for acquiring the skill of assembling electronic components. The microcontroller is fully programmed and cats for installation. 120 LEDs!
New Year’s snowflake – Assembly instructions for decorative LED snowflakes
New Year’s snowflake – Assembly instructions for decorative LED snowflakes – EN
DIY KIT LED Room Temperature Indicator
DIY KIT LED Room Temperature Indicator – Description English
A unique gift for a child that will provide an opportunity to get acquainted with microcontrollers and gain understanding in the processes of measuring air temperature. You will get a lot of pleasure from the assembly process of the device and as a result, a beautiful, original electronic thermometer
DIY KIT LED Room Temperature Indicator – Description Russian
A unique gift for a child that will provide an opportunity to get acquainted with microcontrollers and gain understanding in the processes of measuring air temperature. You will get a lot of pleasure from the assembly process of the device and as a result, a beautiful, original electronic thermometer.